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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Is it too soon to say this?

I know we've only been in our new home for a little over a month, and I know that life isn't perfect, and I know that just a few weeks ago I was crying every day because it was just SO HARD, and I know that I have days that I can't stand being across the world from my loved ones....  But....

I love Spain.

I love the people.  They are so friendly and helpful.  They smile at us and say the baby is beautiful and look at our family with wide eyes when they realize we have "cinco niƱos" and they tell me it must be "mucho trabajo!" and I nod in agreement.  They don't get frustrated when we use ridiculous made-up sign language to communicate, and they go out of their way to help us find what we need.

I love the ocean.  I love being a 10 minute walk from a beautiful beach.  I love feeling the sand between my toes and picking up smooth pieces of sea glass, and watching hermit crabs scoot along in the water.  I love the joy on the kids' faces as they pluck seashells from the ground and as they examine seaweed and rocks.  I love their tan lines and the freckles on AJ's nose.

I love our neighbors.  We left behind some amazing neighbors in Las Vegas, but God gave us the perfect neighbors here in Spain.  We have retired couples on both sides of us.  Both families are very quiet, and of course very friendly.  One neighbor has brought over home grown tomatoes and homemade tomato sauce.  She has let me borrow her can opener and has taught me how to buy from a door to door salesman.  Pretty soon I will be teaching her how to make a pie!  And no, she doesn't speak English!

I love the atmosphere.  I wish I could describe it.  The evening sounds of families laughing in their homes, and moms pushing their babies down the sidewalk, and scooters buzzing in the streets, and the bird next door singing his little heart out, and the breeze in the trees.  Everything is more relaxed here.  People aren't in such a big hurry all the time.  I love the slower pace. 

I love our home.  I love the green and white tile that reminds me of my dear friend whose favorite color is green.  I love our rooftop terrace, and feeling the breeze through my hair while I hang our laundry.  I love that my children have room to run and play and that we aren't right on top of each other all the time.  I love having a window above my kitchen sink so I can watch the kids play outside while I work.

Yes.  I love Spain.


  1. I am SO, SO happy for you Laura. So glad. <3

  2. I would love living by the beach! That's so awesome. I think it's one of the most beautiful of God's creations. I'm sure it's hard having your family so far away, but I would think the experiences your children will have there will be invaluable. I'm so happy you have nice neighbors, that can make all the difference in the world.
