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Thursday, June 9, 2011


Clever title that is, yes?  

Today was busy.  We're in the midst of a LOT of logistics.  So many phone calls, appointments, and countless conversations about this or that.  All of the kids who have teeth will have dentist appointments next week, as will I.  Tomorrow I will go over to the Tricare office and get our medical paperwork rolling.  (And I'm really hoping that they are in a TriCARE type of mood and not the Try-and-get-some-care type.)

Kay and Melody's birth certificates arrived in the mail earlier this week, so we are a bit closer to being able to apply for passports.  I'll be very relieved when that can happen.

The biggest news of the day, however, is that we got word that they want us in Spain earlier than November.  We're thinking August.  Obviously that is SO soon, and nothing is set in stone yet.  We won't know our actual dates until we have actual orders.  And we can't have actual orders until we are cleared medically and dentally.  (Hence the trip to Tricare and the pending dentist appointments.)  In any case, our summer is shaping up to be insanely crazy. 

I have a few praises to share with you and then I'll share a few more prayer requests:

1.  We found cheap bunk beds for the girls.  They are really nice and have drawers underneath, so they really maximize the space well.  And the people we bought them from had super cheap mattresses to give us as well, so that was a huge blessing.

2.  I was able to get the kids in to the dentist that we wanted.  At first, they weren't going to be able to get them in until the end of the month, so it's a blessing that they can be seen next week.

1.  Dentist appointments.  Please pray that we don't need a lot of work done afterwards.  Our dental insurance isn't great, and most work will have to come out of pocket.

2.  Paperwork.  Please pray that we will be able to get our orders very soon so that we can plan the next few months.  Without the leave date, it's really hard to plan.

3.  Megan's birthday party.  I know this seems random, but Megan didn't get a 5th birthday party.  Melody had just been born, and I just wasn't up for it.  We promised her a party in the summer.  Well, the summer is here, and despite the insane craziness right now, I need to plan a ladybug party.  Please pray that I will be able to find somewhere to have the party that Megan will really love and that isn't very expensive (thinking a park or something).

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